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Seven facts about oat which’ll make you more beautiful


Seven facts about oat which’ll make you more beautiful

Written by Julia on . Posted in Blog.

Oats are a speicial type of grass - and at the same time one of the most sustainable and nutrient-rich cereals. The cosmetic properties of oats are often underestimated, which is why oats are also known as "Cinderella grain". In this blog post, we share our enthusiasm for oats and the active ingredients they contain, such as aventhramides, beta-glucan or ceramides.

About this article

About this article

This blogpost is part of our long-term collaboration with Julia Keith from the beauty blog Beautyjagd.

Together, in 50 episodes we have taken a look behind the scenes of the cosmetics industry: The articles are all about the creation of beauty innovations, the challenges of developing and researching active ingredients and sustainable commitment in the industry.
